It's official!
It's official guys! As of midnight tonight (Eastern time, 10 pm my time) the blog of the Stroumboulopouli is officially open for business!
Go check it out at!
It's official guys! As of midnight tonight (Eastern time, 10 pm my time) the blog of the Stroumboulopouli is officially open for business!
Go check it out at!
Lovingly written by
9:16 p.m.
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Listening to 'Under Pressure' right now... I guess Bowie had a little help on this one, didn't he.
Anyway, like I said earlier, I had a pretty average day... although on The Hour, I saw something that makes me excited! Mike Farrell's going to be on The Hour! That's right, good ol' BJ (well the guy who played him) is on The Hour tomorrow!
Sorry, but I've always loved M*A*S*H (in fact my dog is named after Hawkeye (Alan Alda's character))! If you have no idea who this man is from M*A*S*H (aside from him being Hawkeye's best friend after Trapper John was sent home), he's the man you often see on the Nature Conservancy of Canada commercials.
See, I know all this because I used to be as obsessed with M*A*S*H as I am now with The Hour.
Lovingly written by
7:55 p.m.
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Howdy! I hope you're all well!
My Tuesday and Wednesdays were good... kind of average, I guess.
Yesterday I went to the orthodontist and had to get spacers, eight of them. Two of them fell out today, so I guess I'm going to have to go back and get those two shoved back between my teeth. Fun fun.
Not much else has happened... this is quite boring isn't it?
Summer's almost here! Sixteen days left in regular school! But then there are exams (C'est dommage).
Well, better be going!
See ya!
Lovingly written by
4:21 p.m.
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Hey! Since it's getting harder and harder/getting to be a pain to title all my blogs after Monty Python, I've decided to take a break. I'll still use them every now and then, just not for every entry.
Did y'all here The Strombo Show last night? George read one of my e-mails! Now, I know that everyone's had an e-mail read on air, but I send e-mails all the time, and this is the first one he's actually read one! Crack open the champagne! Ok, just kidding...
We (the Stroumboulopouli) are just setting up our new blog... the address is
Right now it's just an 'under construction' sign and a few links, but we're all (well... kinda me... lol) working really hard to get it up and running! I'll let you know when it's all set up, and we've worked out all the bugs.
Ellen's a repeat, but a new episode of The Hour is on tonight!
Better be going, one of my sisters is coming over, and she'll be bugged if I'm on the computer.
See ya!
Lovingly written by
4:06 p.m.
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Hey guys,
Listening to The Strombo Show. I'm glad I can hear it, last week it kept on cutting out. It doesn't seem to be doing that today, knock on wood. I also discovered why my computer was always so quiet... I had the system volume capacity at half of it's full volume. Righto...
Today Gill and I headed down to 119th (right near Whyte Ave) and got "Just Like Heaven" with Reese Witherspoon (one of Gill's fave actresses). It was cheesy, like one would expect from a romantic comedy, but it was better than I thought it would be.
Okay, better be going George (and Bob) is/are back.
See ya!
Lovingly written by
7:07 p.m.
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This guy just went down a busy street near our house with a megaphone in his car, going: "Quack! Quack! We killed the ducks! Quack! Quack! We screwed the ducks!" etc. (Like it was a song)! He started making a honking spree. I love how much we support our team! OILERS RULE!
Oops, now my dog is getting into the game and barking at everyone...
Maybe I should do something about that...
P.S. I will resume the Monty Python titles next time.
Lovingly written by
10:26 p.m.
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We just won (therefore the play-offs)!!! Wayne Gretzky wasn't behind his homeboys (the Oilers), because he kept on complimenting Anaheim when they interviewed him. My dad and I have decided that the city (Edmonton) should rename Wayne Gretzky Drive (a freeway here) Rolison Road (our current, brilliant goalie). We should make it official! Could you imagine that letter to Stephen Mandel (Our mayor): Dear Mayor Mandel, Because Wayne Gretzky wasn't behind his homeboys... Wouldn't that be great?
Anyway better go!
P.S. Holy Roli, what a goalie! (Thanks to Gill (who stole it from Vi and the little girl with the sign) for this great saying!)
P.P.S. The pic is of Whyte Ave. here, there is going to be a party tonight! (We can hear the cheers/honks already, because we live just a few blocks away from it...)
P.P.P.S. Wow, that's a lot of post-scripts... Shout out to Gill! (I'm talking on Skype to her right now, rigged up a home made telemarketer headset avec my mic, my headphones and a headband... I look like a REALLY freakish hippe!)
Lovingly written by
9:51 p.m.
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Just got back from City Centre with Gill... had lots of fun! She got an Oilers car flag from Sport Chek, and I got a really good sounding book from the library.
Yesterday Mitchell got me moved in French class... he stole some of my homework, and I was trying to get it back (Sheilagh was helping me), when the evil sub came and told me to move to the front of the class, or Sheilagh would be sent to the office! Just like that, before class even started! I'm still angry at Mitchell...
I finally saw the new Lacoste commercial with Feist's 'Mushaboom' in it... one part of me is happy that's she's getting more exposure, while another part of me thinks she's a sell-out. Hmmm... It's like when Zellers used The Be Good Tanyas' 'The Littlest Birds' in their commercial. Although, that was more of a sell-out in my mind (I mean the songs about how the littlest birds sing the prettiest songs, and it's in a mega-chain store commercial!), I dunno.
Anyway, better be going, see ya!
P.S. I wanted to have a picture of city centre, but there wasn't one on google images, so I just put one of the Skyline from my part of the city (I didn't take it though). Enjoy!
Lovingly written by
4:03 p.m.
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Back from the dentist. Gosh, that was torture! I had to sit there, my mouth frozen, the dentist shaving down my teeth, a REALLY bright light in my face, a lady spraying water in my mouth (which I was choking on, but couldn't do anything about), and worst of all, they had the country radio station playing! Okay, okay, I'll talk! But seriously, that's just inhumane.
Okay, it wasn't THAT bad... I don't have to take the scale test in band today (I play the clarinet) because I can't my feel mouth (insert English accent here) therefore I cannot adjust my embouchure correctly. And my lip's all squishy, and fun to poke. TeeHee.
Anyway... Man, I'm hungry... okay, stop thinking about food.
So, I'm going to go read now, I'll see y'all later!
P.S. To Gill: Apparently their considering Heath Ledger to play Bob Dylan in a portion of his new biopic... yay or nay? (Gill loves Heath Ledger, if your wondering.)
'Kay, see ya!
Lovingly written by
10:32 a.m.
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Hello again!
Sorry I wrote so many blog entries yesterday, but I had my laptop in the living room to do my homework, so I was much more easily tempted. Plus, we were all just watching the game, and I was getting depressed because we were losing... blogging made me feel happy inside.
Okay, better keep this short. I'm heading off to the dentist right now (I thought I was going to the orthodontist, but according to mother, I was ill-informed, and I am going to the dentist). Well, at least I get some of that sugar-free gum there.
Okay then, see you later!
Lovingly written by
8:35 a.m.
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C'est dommage... we just lost 6-3.
The guy pretending to be George on MySpace has either had his accounted deleted or has cancelled his account... hmmm...
Forget what George W. Bush says, Franch homework is the axis of evil. I just spent waaayyy too long doing mine.
Yay, orthodontist tomorrow morning. Can you sense the sarcasm in my "voice"? On the bright side I get to miss math and L.A.. Actually, I like Language Arts, so that sucks, and I miss working on an important math project,too. Great, I guess to miss school, and I don't even miss anything I want to miss.
You know that Lexus commercial, the "moment if you please" one (George did a "happy" spoof on it awhile ago.)? Well they shortened it, and it makes me angry, because I LOVED the full-length version. I know it doesn't really matter, but it bugs me. I liked it because all of it was SO true, even if it was a car commercial.
P.S. I don't usually like 'This Hour Has 22 Minutes' (it's not as witty as RMR), but it's kinda sorta funny today. Maybe it's because everything's in repeats, so I'm desperate for some kind of CBC/political humour.
Lovingly written by
8:49 p.m.
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AHHH!!! We just tied up the game about half way through the 2nd period! As the announcer just said, we have got ourselves a hockey game!
Lovingly written by
7:37 p.m.
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Hey, you know how I was saying that I wasn't sure about George's MySpace, and whether my link was the real deal or not? Yeah, well the jury just came back. The link to my site is the real one, the fake one is, the real one is Just wanted to let y'all know.
On the new Hour site, you can leave comments on clips! Nifty! I left one on that clip about the General Motors (sorry, Speneral Motors) commercial that someone made about global warming. Ever since I saw that a few weeks ago, I had been hoping they'd put in on there! If you haven't already, go check it out.
To all the fans of The Hour, you should sign up for the newsletter, although, just a warning, they're never delivered! I've had a "subscription" for awhile, but never gotten one. I'm sure they've just been busy with the site, so I don't really mind. Plus the description for delivery is "occasional", same with the RMR letter.
Bad news, as of now the Oilers are down 3-0... uh-oh.
Plus, to make matters worse, on Coach's Corner Don Cherry has the most hideous jacket EVER! It's white with bright pink and red flowers all over them. That's just wrong.
Okay, better be going!
P.S. To Stephen Harper, you say you don't think the public doesn't care about who chooses the journalists who ask questions. Newsflash, I do, I'm part of the public, and for goodness sakes, bring back the first come, first serve system!
P.P.S. Go check out adn listne to 'Call Connected Thru The NSA', it's SO worth it! And if you like that, go to and watch the whole video of Stephen Colbert at the White House Correspondents Association annual dinner. FUNNY stuff!
Sorry, this is really long! Okay, I'm going... now.
Lovingly written by
6:56 p.m.
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I was exploring The Hour's "new" website some more, and I saw that they've put all the little stuff like bios, mile-a-minutes, etc, that I had always wished they had! See, I told you it would grow on me! Anyway, better be going!
See ya!
Lovingly written by
5:41 p.m.
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Guess what my new desktop wallpaper is going to be?!
I got this from the Hour's website, which has got a facelift. My first impression was that I didn't really like it that much, it's a bit of an information overload. But I know it'll grow on me, so I'm not worried about it.
They downsized Blogtracker, so my blog's not on it anymore, but nothing lasts forever, and I'm happy to make room for others.
A big plus on the "new" site is that it's a lot more functional, everything is more accessible. It's all up to date, and ever changing, and it tells you what's coming up. I already have it as my homepage, and it'll be a lot more functional this way, instead of just a place for archives. I'm really excited about it!
Plus, is coming in August, which is another thing to be ecstatic about!
It's all one big exciting web makeover! It's fun to change things up!
I have the link to the site, on the side of this page, so check it out!
Lovingly written by
4:08 p.m.
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I know, I know, I just wrote an entry, but I forgot to mention a couple of things.
#1- You may have noticed that I FINALLY got to putting links on my blog. George was talking about how there's someone pretending to be him on MySpace on The Strombo Show, and on The Hour the other night. I thought this was his real MySpace (he does have one, I know), but the jury's still out on that one... (Shout out to Barbara, for notifying me of this situation, "we're" still looking into it. (Sorry, I thought I'd take the opprtunity to sound all official-like.))
#2- Speaking of those links, I have one to, Air Traffic Control's website. VERY cool band... if you haven't already, check them out, they're from the maritimes, you know.
#3- Something made me VERY mad the other day in The Journal. A venter, referring to RMR's canvasser-prod spoof, wrote in "Why don't we keep the Canadian Tire guy, and get rid of Rick Mercer?"... How about NOT?! Sorry, that made me VERY angry.
#4- Stephen Harper deciding to never talk to the media on Parliament Hill. What is that?
Okay, so that was more than a couple things, but whatever, I wanted to talk about them.
Thanks for reading some, if not all of my rant of the day! Later days.
Lovingly written by
7:51 p.m.
1 thoughtful responses
So, we won the game last night, by the skin of our teeth, no less! We didn't really do anything in math class today, as we got into a lengthy conversation about the game (which was started and carried on by the teacher!). Lots of fun. Any day is a good day when you get to skip math class to talk about how great our home team is!
Frankly, I'm dreading summer... the heat, no friends around, no Hour, no RMR, no Ellen, driving to either BC or Saskatchewan, or both. I have no problems with either province, don't get me wrong, but driving there in a hot, sticky car just sucks.
On the bright side I have my birthday to look forward to (4 days after George's), more trips to the downtown library (which I always love), the Fringe and the Folk Fest, and all my sisters are going to be in town (the one in Alaska drives down next week!). But still... it's going to be LONG.
What do all you guys have planned for this summer? Leave a comment or two... I really want to know... really.
Anyway, I'll have my blog to keep me busy, but I'm running out of Monty Python lines to use as entry titles... hmmm...
Well, okay then, See Ya!
P.S. Don't you love my 'Oilers Victory' pic? I haven't put a photo on my blog in a while, so I thought this was VERY appropriate.
Lovingly written by
7:21 p.m.
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Good Morning!
The Oilers won again last night! Ok, get out of your chair and do a happy dance, right now! Ok, you're good? Ok.
Anyway... Not much has happened lately.
Avec my new darling high-speed, I've been having lots of fun on the RMR website, watching lots of clips. I did that before, too, but now it's obviously a lot faster to download. Which is very nice.
Anyway, I've got some e-mails to send, so I'll see you later!
Lovingly written by
9:51 a.m.
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Hey guys!
Sorry that I haven't written in a while, but we had a school trip to Jasper the last two days, and so I didn't really get a chance.
Got high-speed! Ha! I showed you, you blasted dial-up! Sorry, I'm very happy.
Yesterday I caught the 9 PM repeat of the Hour, which was very nice, as I missed it the day before (although Mom taped it for me). Anyway, at the end George just managed to say 'Go Oilers' before the cameras went off! VERY cool! Muchos gracious George!
Speaking of the Oilers win night before last, we were in a coach driving back from Miette Hot Springs when one of our teachers announced we'd won. We cheered/sung/did the wave for a half hour! That's hardcore (well, it's not really compared to others, but it makes good blog writing)!
Jasper was fun, I'd been to most of those places before, but it was lots of fun with my friends there. I took TONNES of photos... I'll put some on later.
Anyway, I'd better go!
See Ya!
Lovingly written by
2:55 p.m.
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Oh, guess who's got a cold? Me! And guess who has to go on two school trips out of town next week? Me again! I just hope I get better.
All The President's Men (which you know, if you've ever read my profile, is one of my all time favorite movies) was on PBS last night. Unfortunately I fell asleep before it ended, but I've seen that movie many, many times, so it didn't really matter... gosh, I love that movie!
Ok, moving on... ummm... not much else to say really.
Well, I guess I'll go work towards getting better then!
See ya!
Lovingly written by
1:37 p.m.
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Hello again!
It started out as a rather drizzly day today, but now it's just the perfect temperature. Happy Friday! Track and Field day got canceled due to the weather (I hate competing, so that's ok).
Hey, last night I just caught some Flying Circus on PBS. I'd known that they were going to be playing them, but with the trip down East and all, I'd forgotten.
Shout out to Elron, who was so kind as to leave a comment on my entry about the Oilers (with the unnecessarily bright logo), always nice to know that someone other than Geegee (and Sheshe) is reading! Hey Elron, if you're reading I left a comment on your entry 'Another plug for The Hour', so true, so true...
I'm sorry I haven't put a pic of the Gros Hiboux logo on yet, I haven't had a chance... maybe later.
Okay, well... better be going!
Lovingly written by
3:48 p.m.
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First I just want to say something that's REALLY bugging me. This is for all my friends reading this that I have tried to explain this to, but just don't seem to understand. Yes, it would have been really cool for George to leave a comment on my blog, but I don't mind he didn't for 4 reasons.
1) He's busy, he probably doesn't even read the blogs.
2) He probably doesn't really care, he has his own life.
3) I was just happy to be put on the site at all.
4) We're all kind of making a big deal out of it. A lot of people have blogs on there too, it's not just me.
Thanks, sorry, it was REALLY annoying me, and I just wanted to vent for a moment.
Well, our class got our butts kicked in the dodgeball tournament today, although Reese did make us cool team logos for our shirts (they were SO cool! Crazed owls avec bling that said 'GH' for 'Gros Hiboux' (our team name) standing on a dodgeball). I should really scan a picture of one and put it on here. I can't tonight (I left mine in my locker), but maybe tomorrow.
Well, I should really be going.
See Ya!
Lovingly written by
3:48 p.m.
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Conjourno! Get it? I can't say the letter B? No? Gosh, you people have no sense of humour! Ok, Just kidding, I'm not that mean, and you know, that doesn't make any sense anyway, since in the skit the guy actually can't say C, only B, so technically it would be Bonjourno. Plus it was a pretty bad joke on my part anyway... We're good? Good.
Wow, when was the last time I wrote? Ummm... let me check... Wednesday. Well then.
How have you been? Good to hear.
I just finished watching Jian Ghomeshi's 'The End', very good programming (about radio, today)... I can't wait till the one about television is on, and the one about print, too. In the one today, Jian was interviewing one man in the CBC museum, right next to the TV with all the famous news clips are! I've been there!
The Strombo Show's on tonight!!!
Had a party with Geegee and Sheshe last night a la farm (weird how they never call me Beebee... ok that's just odd, never mind), tons of fun (for the most part)! Jason, Kim and I blasted Feist all the way home in the car... Gill was kinda like "okaaayyy..." and Sheilagh just listened to Kenny Rogers and Britney Spears on her ipod... great opportunity missed.
Anywho, I'd better be going!
Lovingly written by
4:20 p.m.
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Oh, it's so nice to be able to type properly! But, I will cut back on the exclamation marks, I promise!
Yesterday on The Hour, George said "You hung over in Edmonton? Hey? You hung over? No, you're not hung over, cause you're still drunk!" TeeHee! That's true of most University kids on our street.
By the way, I apologize to the people in Oxford, I don't know what to call you. Oxfordians? That's something to do with Shakespeare... someone PLEASE let me know!
Ellen's on...
Gotta go.
See ya!
Lovingly written by
4:07 p.m.
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I have been reading over my past blog entries and I have realized that I use so many exclamation marks that I sound like a freak cheerleader. By the way, in real life, I do not sound like a freak cheerleader. So, anyway, as a result of this discovery, I have decided to try and not use any of the aforementioned marks in my writing (at least today). I find that when I don not, though, I use very formal talk, and that is why I sound like a snobby prof right now (I feel like I should have some Oxford accent. Not to say that all people from Oxford are snobs, I'm sure a lot of people in Oxford are very nice).
Anyway... today in Peer Support we got a presentation on how online predators operate, and although I already knew a little bit about the topic, it was good to learn more. So, if you're a predator right now, go find someone else, or even better, get a life. (I would usually use an exclamation mark there, by the way.)
Okay, this is driving me crazy.
See ya.
P.S. I sound depressed if I don't use them. AHHH.
Lovingly written by
3:51 p.m.
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Oh My God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Oilers just won 3-4 against the Red Wings! Ok, you must understand, this accomplishment is the Edmonton equivalent of cutting down a tree with a herring! AHHHHHH!!!!!! I'm SO excited! (Although not as excited as I was on Tuesday with my blog and all, but still! It's another "AHHH!!!" moment, brought to you by Becky!)
Ok, I'd better go, and celebrate/finish my French homwork!
Lovingly written by
9:08 p.m.
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