Well, tomorrow's the last actually full day of school at Mck. I'm so glad to be getting out of there, especially as it's losing a lot (not all, but most) of the good teachers. You know, the great teachers that connect with their students and inspire them. Ones like Mr. Carter (who left last year), Ms. Andrews, Mr. Mitchell and Ms. Sorenson. Ms. Mitchell and Ms. Short will still be there... the new kids coming into grade seven next year will be the luckiest kids in the world if they get Shorty. Ah, 7C... that was a fun class. 8B, too. And 9B.
I always feel trapped in my school, but those teachers made it bearable when it was at it's worst. They taught the type of class that you would look forward to, the type that always left their door open after school.

Gill, Sheilagh, remember Carter's room? I know you do. The time we hung Shelly out that window with the help of Mr. C? The metre stick he was given for his 12th birthday? Or his 'Office Space' stapler?
Or French with Mr. Mitchell? All those stupid hand signs that everyone still remembers... And his ballpoint pen wars with Matty. And those ridiculous plays that were so much fun. And how you could talk to him about anything, he had respect for all his students.
And of course: "A tisket, a tasket, the lost and found basket." Crissy's room was a blast. Peer Support retreat with them always made me laugh.
I talk about those teachers like they died. They didn't, of course, they're just moving on with their lives. Starting families, getting new jobs to provide better for the ones they already have. I don't think they realized how much of an impact they've had on me, and they'll continue on to affect kids like me. I hope those kids realize how lucky they are.
I really disliked that school, but I prefer to remember all those insane moments with all those hilarious teachers instead.