Grads, do not go where the path may lead...
Who would have thought that sitting on a small makeshift stage in a hot gym with a lot of rowdy kids and their parents would be fun? Not me, but it certainly turned out that way. That was my grade 9 grad. Being the "Mistress of Ceremony" (I mean, that title in itself is just awesome :P) was surprisingly entertaining.
I'm relieved to say that the event turned out well, and with Sameena Sherman playing guitar (watch her become an incredible indie star... I'll have called it), and Maren and Alex with their valedictorian speech, you could say it went perfectly.
After the formal ceremony we all headed out and took photos and chatted with family. That was certainly chaotic, but I had a good time taking photos with Ms. Short and all those 7C kids. Everyone trickled in to the small gym for the dance, where I mostly just took photos of friends (I'm not really in to the junior high dance styles).
Towards the end there were all those awkward hugs (people I didn't really know giving me quite dramatic embraces) and the tears of friends and acquaintances. I'm not one to cry at these sorts of events, and that didn't really change last night. Although, I did feel dispirited when I saw the sweetest (and easily our school's most serious) couple dancing to the last song played. They're going to different high schools, and it hit me as to how big a deal this will be. I realize I'll soon grow accustomed to my new school, but of course I'll still miss my good friends whom I will no longer see on a daily basis. Sheilagh is off to her local high school, and of course Lyle has another year at Mck. But I still have two months to spend with them before the next school year.
Around 11 pm Maren, Sheilagh, Vi and I walked down to Whyte ave for the afterparty, meeting Gill at the restaurant... there was a lot of pizza and warm chocolate brownies involved... That was some hardcore unhealthy food. But it kept us full and awake until 3 am, so I suppose it's all okay.

But enough of being sappy and scared that my life will spiral in to the depths of a Judy Blume book, I need sleep!
nice. i liked the photos, too. esp. the shoes.
man, you write the perfect (or near-perfect, i dunno, superlatives seem too much for me) journalistic / conversational style.
i don't, btw.
you should start writing for vue or something. or the journal. did you see the "lake vs. pool debate" that was published in ed magazine this past weekend? i held up the pool side of the argument (which i don't even really believe in) & the woman who wrote the lake argument was a complete idiot. complete idiot.
you can write better than her. do it, say that you're 19 and bitter!
Thanks Jay, that means a lot coming from you...
I haven't read the lake vs. pool yet, though I remember when you wrote it. I'll have to get my hands on a copy of ed...
I think I could pass off for 19 and bitter :P
It sounds like a great evening, even if it's a bit of a sad one. I remember my high school graduation (we don't have junior high in Quebec, just high school) I didn't really wanted to go, but it turned out that it was a great night (but you're lucky, you had a good guitarist, not us). I understand how it can be a bit scary to go to a new school, but changes can be great. I really like this post, I haven't had a junior high graduation, but it sums up a lot of the feelings that I had when graduating from high school and cégep.
Have a nice summer Becky, and enjoy it!
Yeah, all in all it turned out pretty well.
That's interesting that you don't have junior high, I didn't know that! I'm glad you could relate, I don't think junior high grad is as big as a deal as high school, etc, but they do have similar themes running through them both.
Thanks, I hope you have a great summer as well!
You were mistress of ceremony? It sounds so forceful!
Your evening sounds great. I hope lots of photos were taken.
Yeah, I read Mistress of Ceremony on the program and laughed. It sounds like some awful dirty medieval role...
Don't worry, upwards of 300 photos were taken :P
Ahh yes i spent many hours looking at all the photo's on facebook. There are so many.
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