It's getting hard to be someone, but it all works out
Another week's gone by and quite a bit has changed while still remaining the same. The weather has gone from warm and sunny to miserably wet and back again. People are my friends on and off. And I'm once again completely fed up with the lack of caring in my peers...
But on the bright side, Jay, Chris and Gabi are home! They had a great time in Florida visiting Chris' relatives, and I'm very jealous. And they even taught Gabi to say 'Annyang'- so awesome... By the way, check out Jay's new blog! (I officially apologize for the possible overuse of exclamation points in that paragraph.)
I've also been making a point of catching more of The Daily Show, which has certainly been making the dreary days more bearable. "We need a timetable just to withdraw from that metaphor!" Laughed so hard... and the guy who plays PC talking about famous economists in futuristic jumpsuits? Precious.
And yesterday the latest edition of Shameless arrived at my doorstep. I believe I posted about the zine last summer, but for those of you who didn't read it... Shameless is a great indie zine out of Toronto, 'for girls who get it'. It covers everything from music to social issues, DIY to book reviews. It's certainly a nice break from the Teen Prom mags floating around school. (I believe Barb B made this point last year, and I completely agree. You're supposed to graduate from grade 9... why such a huge fuss?)
Grad may be a waste of time, but I was ecstatic yesterday to learn that I was accepted to to the high school I wasn't sure I'd be able to get into. My district school is all about sports and stereotypical school spirit, neither of which I'm that in to. But I got my place in the more serious academic school, which is a relief.
Anyway, today I spent some time down on Whyte, and spotted this kid... he's my new hero. Bagpipes and busking don't usually seem like they'd work together, but he can pull it off... especially in those sneakers and skinny jeans!
And yesterday the latest edition of Shameless arrived at my doorstep. I believe I posted about the zine last summer, but for those of you who didn't read it... Shameless is a great indie zine out of Toronto, 'for girls who get it'. It covers everything from music to social issues, DIY to book reviews. It's certainly a nice break from the Teen Prom mags floating around school. (I believe Barb B made this point last year, and I completely agree. You're supposed to graduate from grade 9... why such a huge fuss?)
Grad may be a waste of time, but I was ecstatic yesterday to learn that I was accepted to to the high school I wasn't sure I'd be able to get into. My district school is all about sports and stereotypical school spirit, neither of which I'm that in to. But I got my place in the more serious academic school, which is a relief.

That said I'll leave you with that wonderful image.
Congrats on getting into the high school you wanted. My daughter had the same issue - the designated school was for jocks - she is much happier at the IB school, even though it's a million miles from home.
That bagpipes kid is amazing! That photo sorta made my day!
Thanks about the high school! IB schools do tend to fill up fast, the one I'm going to has already turned away 100 kids wanting to get into IB... I consider myself very lucky.
He's great, isn't he? I hope he comes back next week.
That's great you got into the school you wanted! Grad pretty much bores me, but I did buy a cute dress. I'm not usually the person who prepares for things like this, but it was on sale really cheap at a store on 17th Ave, I had to get it!
Thankfully my designated school has an academic focus (probably because of the gifted and talented program), I thought about IB a lot, but for convenience sake I'm staying at my school and doing AP, which I hope challenges me enough. Pretty much all my friends are going into IB, but a big reason for this is that the IB school they will go to is a lot closer than their school right now.
Thanks! I too bought a cute dress, but it's simple and not one of those "I look like a bridesmaid" ones :P
I can see kids going to schools nearby. A couple of my friends are switching to schools closer to home. I'm lucky in that both of my options are about the same distance away.
Entering high school kind of freaks me out... I'm jealous that you can stay at the same school.
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