I have failed the Stroumbi Sisterhood
So I apparently it's cool at my school to hate George.
Well, not really, but a lot of kids who know me as a "Strombohead" have either told me he's ugly (which he is NOT!) and that he's full of himself (also NOT!) and that the show's boring (98% of the time NOT!).
The only one who listened otherwise agreed to watch the show tonight... I doubt he did, but if he did he'll didn't exactly get to see The Hour in all it's glory... there were a lot of interviews and not as many set-ups and such that would hook action hungry kids. Just in case he cares I'm bringing the tape of Wednesday's show to school tomorrow. Chances that he'll care: slim to none, but ya never know :D
Not much else happened today. About thirty the Grade Niners were selected to see former Top Gun pilot and NASA astronaut Joe Edwards at the Edmonton Space and Science Center (now called The Telus World Of Science. Yuck). It was a lot like seeing Mark Garneau a couple years ago, although this time one of my good friends won a "space suit"... cool.
I also learned that 14 year old kids can find enough ways to re-word the "why did become an astronaut?" to fill up a two hour long presentation.
But hey, we got to miss some school :P
don't worry. Don't be sad because not many people like george. Dare to be diffrent!
Thanks Shelly :) I try... most of the time :P
Hey becky it's gill
hahahaha moon
hahahhaha it's NOOOOOM backwards!
I am getting co-workers hooked on George... Maybe it's just a matter of what appeals to what age thing.
You are ahead of your time is all.
I guess not every show is gold. So don't feel badly. Oh, and if it makes you feel any better, I've failed the Stroumbi sisterhood as well, as I just can't watch the Hour this year - not very often anyway.
That's great Gill... I love how relevant it is to my post :P
LOL Noom :D
Yeah, I really think that teenagers feel that they have to watch certain shows to fit in, Barbara W. Unfortunately I don't think news shows qualify :(
Their new schedule is awful! If I miss it at six I have to tape it later. Don't feel bad about it, Barbara B.
LOL noom!
check out my blog i updated it!
and left comments so ya check it out! "what does it take to be an astronaut" "What made you choose to become an astronaut" lol
ok the kids behind us were all like kick back of seet 500 times and all NOOM like! ok sry thats going to get really old if i keep saying it but i still can't help but laugh! but what about sandwich today he was all like totally watch it goodness! good day for both of us then eh?
Yup, y'all got a hug :D
gill you are sooooooooooo strange
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