Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Random ramblings... yay!

I was in an awful mood today for no (super) apparent reason. I mean, there's crappy stuff for sure, but nothing was that bad. Stupid hormones :P
So, you know, if I made one of those super-sarcastic-stop-talking-to-me comments, I'm really sorry!

Boys continue to amaze/confuse me. As soon as you think you have them figured out you discover there's an entire new level that you haven't yet seen. I suppose girls are like that too, but that's the boys' problem :P
I guess, as The Beatles once said "Nothing you can do but you can learn how to be you in time"... So true :)
George won best talk show host in the Geminis! The Hour also picked up two more of the awards last night! Don't forget that the viewers choice Gemini isn't announced until the beginning of November, so vote (the link's to your right)!
Have you ever played Omnikin? It's kind of like volleyball without the net... kind of.
Anyway, every year we have a unit on it and ever year I get way too competitive with it. You know like those people who are crazed about winning at soccer? I'm like that. Maybe it's because it's the only game I excel at (I am definitely not athletic)... anywho, it's SO much fun! Our team won today and it was awesome possum!
So I know this was possibly the most pointless posts ever, but hey, it's an expression of my soul and I feel like I should do an interpretive dance... or, you know, not :P
See ya!


Shelly said...

I agree boys are complex. It's not like on tv where people are like wow boy's arn't complex but no one can figureout girls.

omnikin is the best game ever and in this game if you louse your not really mad because you only louse by 2 or 3 points.

GeeGee said...

You had a pretty good reason (yay i read the first sentece cuz i have to go for din-dins see y'all 2morrow!

Becky said...

Exactly Shelly. But girls are like that too... I mean you think that you have a friend all figured out and suddenly all the dynamics are changed and you realize that maybe they weren't quite who they were but you try to adapt.

No problem Gill... I guess after five years it is kind a rock and a hard place situation. Oh well, all I can do is keep on trying :)