Oooh... Now I feel deep (Does that imply I'm usually shallow? Hmm...)
ROAR (the Edmonton spoken word festival) is on and one of my sister's best friends was presenting at one of the venues. So we headed downtown to a cafe right by city hall and listened to 5 poets, 3 of which were awesome. The best was my sister's friend (and it's true, she had the most thoughtful poems and everyone loved her) she wrote a moving poem about being half black and how she didn't own her body... "With my skin as my paper and my pigment as ink". there was another girl who wrote a poem about using 'was' when the person you were speaking of had passed away which was really touching. It was a great experience :)
And because this blog can not not be goofy, here's a pic of a guy I know playing dead in his back alley a couple of years ago. That guy who was on The Hour who takes pics of himself playing dead has nothing on this guy (Ok, so maybe he does, but who's keeping track :P). Sigh. How simple elementary school was :)

P.S. We had the coolest sub EVER today in LA. If you ever get the Mr. J who tells the true story about being clinically dead a few years ago, that's him :D
who's the guy in the pic, do i know him?
*gasp* Yay for poetry. yay for doing essays on poetry for english class.
And yay for having too much sugar.
Yup, in fact he lives across the back alley from you :D
How's it going, you're coming back soon and we're all excited/been talking about it for weeks even though it's not for a few months... but you're coming back! YAY!!! (Happy dance)
Lol! Sugar is fun...
Had to write an essay in LA about a short story today. Yuck :(
How fun would it be to play a dead guy in a film? Seriously, some fun, I'll bet.
It would be so fun! That's it, that's my new career path :D
I emailed that guy, cause I heard he loves to reply to emails. He said:
"Hi Hilary,
Glad you got a kick out of it!! They were great during the interview. We
didn't get a chance to see it, I hope it turned out great.
Thanks for taking the time to email
Heehee. And I've never had a Mr. J for a sub before. =). But good subs who can stand the fact kids are gonna be annoying are very cool (and rare).
Sounds like a cool time.
I've had to play dead before in a student film...not as fun as you'd think, but that might be because I fidget too much ;P
LOL, that's a good pic!
Awesome subs like that don't come along very often, do they? I remember this one substitute woman that came in looking like some kind of trashy barbie in a miniskirt and huge feathered blonde hair with this scarily bright red lipstick, and all the guys suddenly turned into perfect students and the girls were like "yeah, okay, whatever" the whole time. :P
The poetry sounds like it must have been really enjoyable, it's so nice in a venue like that, and you can't beat hearing it directly from the writer. :) Glad you had such a good time!
i thought i knew who the person was, and i was right! i come back dec. 16- cant wait to see u again! the sub alana talked about sounds just like one we had in elementary. i dont remember her name, but everyone referred to her as the barbie sub. remember?
That's awesome that you e-mailed that guy, Hilary! Teehee "got a kick out of it"... reminds me of the guy off of The Weekenders who always said "What a kick in the pants" :D Sorry, inside joke with myself... I really need to work on that :P
That's so cool that you got to play a dead person, Allison! I probably would have fidgeted to, I'm bad at keeping still...
Yeah, I've had a good share of subs like that... we had one last year with the thickest eyeliner and the creepiest leopard print shirt... scary...
Yeah, poetry from the writer is always best. My sis's friend did an almost-interpretive-dance with one of her poems, it was pretty great :D
So excited about your coming back!!! Andrew and I sat in Math class today trying to figure out where our annual party shall be held. He says waterpark... It will be a great coming home/reunion thing!!! Oh, I'm excited!!!
I remember the Barbie sub... she was classic :)
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