Friday, September 29, 2006

I can't even think of any good title for this I'm so angry.

Why aren't the lessons the previous generations learned being passed on to the next? Why are our schools still filled with racist jokes and why are kids still laughing at them? Do they want to fit in enough that they'll throw all their so called "values" out the window? And why are there only three kids in my class who'll stand up against it?
These are questions we need answer and fast. Kids might know the name of Martin Luther King, but as Math class just made apparent, not many know what his name means. They don't understand what their parents and grandparents went through. I think that's awful.
Are we once again editing our history? Are we again giving racism a mere nod in our classrooms? If so, it's unacceptable.
The class clowns will push it to the limit. And when they step over the "line" set by the kids who find them funny, they think that telling a joke about their own nationality will make it okay.
It doesn't. And teachers need to make it known that any sort racist jokes are not alright before the first joke is told.
Do kids have to go through an awful experience like the early sixties before they understand?
I really hope not, because that would mean this society is a lot worse than I thought.


Becky said...

Perhaps I should explain this post...
First of all Eugen had a shirt from the US saying "Tar baby fun run", for some run someone he knows did or something.
Then Nic was telling racist jokes in math class and Vi, Andrew and I were the only ones who weren't laughing and said something.
Then in ENVOE, Shaundon was telling me about his Anti-superhero "homo-man".
I'm sick of all the hate and the fact that nobody seems to be able to accept anyone else. I've lost all hope for my generation...
Argh. This whole day has given my a huge headache.

Barbara said...

Don't worry give some of 'em time and they will grow out of it...

Evelyne said...

Well, as you said, it seems that kid don't always understand lessons from the past (and we should, yes we can make our own mistakes, but there're a couple of things that we don't have to try before we learn it)... i have a sister (i think that she's about your age) and she came to the same conclusions... kids don't seem to care about other things than their little bubble, (a little world super comfortable) they like to tell racists jokes that should never be tell... I mean it's not funny. People should accept that we are all different...
I hope that one day, the class clowns will know where the limit is...

Alana Elliott said...

Argh! I totally know what you mean, Becky. I don't know how many times just in the past couple weeks I've encountered the most disgusting racist jokes, jokes about handicapped people and poor people, and...ARGH, it's just awful. I can't even bring myself to say the "r-word" (...I don't even want to TYPE it, but "retard", I HATE that word). I don't know whether people tell those jokes or make comments because they don't understand how degraded it makes other people feel or if it's just that bashing other people make them feel better about themselves. Either way, it's disturbing, and good on you for saying something about it!

Anonymous said...

some of the racism in our school is appalling, and (not to be sexist) its mainly the guys. the most disturbing part is, most of them have grown up with it, and when u look at them with a look of disgust or tell them off for being racist, they look very confused. they genuinly dont know where the line is, and so they cross it all the time! its so horrible that sometimes me and a couple of friends will just leave the group without saying a thing. we just have to look at eachother to know that we dont want to be there hearing such trashy comments. when will it change????

Becky said...

I personally don't think it is acceptable at any age, Barbara. How do I know that they won't pass it on to their younger siblings, cousins, etc. It has to stop somewhere.

I totally agree with you and your sister, Evelyne. Kids tend to only care about their own little bubble. It's really frustrating.

Thanks anonymous, I agree that kids don't realize that their one joke is affecting everyone.

Alana, I know how you feel about people calling others "retards" and making handicap jokes. An old friend of mine had a sister with Down Syndrome, and I volunteered with her hanging out with a bunch of other kids with it. I had a blast and I absolutely HATE it when people are so insensitive.

That's sad that those kids don't even know what they're doing wrong... it's awful. It's great that you make it known that it's not ok... I sure hope things change soon.

Allison said...

I hope things become lessed streesed next week.
We were not allowed to wear t-shirts like that when I was in school. Appalling.

hilary m. said...

Our school is pretty tolerant, usually meaning you get your arse-kicked if you're too obnoxious. But sometimes, people say things unacceptable and they slip by unnoticed. I'm so glad this stuff doesn't happen often, it it does it shouldn't be tolerated. There's some homophobic boys in my grade and when they say rude or ignorant things, I am more than glad to approach them about it.

Most of my friends are very good though. Thankfully most people stopped using the term "fag" when they hit adolescence, and everyone has always been pretty good about racism.

Barbara said...

Becky, George made it to the top 5 in Gemini Nominees... People can still vote for him to win. Would you be so kind, if you have the time, to post about that on the stroumboulopouli? Did you see the new look? It's up!!