Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Woohoo! My first journalistic run-in!

Ok, so my older sister is a freelance writer/journalist, writing for a couple of local papers on a regular basis. Anyway, so today she was doing a photo shoot for an article she wrote about all the perfectly good things stores throw away (day old bread, a jacket with a broken pocket zipper, stuff like that), things that could easily be used to help out people who wouldn't otherwise be able to afford it. I tagged along.
So we were behind a local organic food store (who shall remain unnamed), taking photos of all the perfectly good food they had, when the manager came out and asked who we were, gave us heck, etc. The photographer from the paper was a really cool girl. She didn't take any crap from them, she spoke her mind, telling him that it was public property, and that it was perfectly good food that they had just ruined by chucking it (all while taking candid photos from the camera around her neck). Same thing happened at the next store we went to, where they were throwing out a brand new down comforter, just because apparently it wasn't quite up to snuff for their customers (three words: donate to homeless). It disgusts me how these stores can throw away all these things for the littlest reason while there are so many people who have absolutely nothing out there.
So that was my first journalistic run-in... getting pics for a story about wasteful stores for 'ed magazine'. Okay, so it's not so glamourous, but hey, I felt like I was in my fave movie (see below post... nice tie-in, eh?), and it was a blast exposing all the stores for what they really are (insert evil laugh here)! Teehee... I should do that more often...


Barbara Bruederlin said...

That is so awesome! Good for you and your sister! The waste that we generate makes me absolutely sick, and to throw away perfectly good food or items that people could easily use, is nothing short of criminal.

You did a very important thing today and I salute you.

Barbara said...

It's good to dig out these things and bring them to the light. Whe our store has expired chocolate it does not go to waste... lol

Becky said...

Thanks guys!
And I'm glad you don't let that chocolate go to waste Barbara... teehee!
