Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Ok, so "The One" is crap.

George was just not himself, and that was really upsetting. Whatever for it not being the same as Idol, the only difference I could spot was the fact that the judges were nicer.
I only watched 5 minutes, that's all I could stand. And don't go giving me that "you didn't give it a chance" crap. It's not my thing... at all.
I didn't and don't watch Much for a reason. I watched George on CBC. I don't plan on watching too much ABC any day soon either.
And George in a suit, come one! Sell out. I don't care if it was some "career choice" thing. If I ever get that famous, I don't care how much money I'm making, I'll never do that. Not to all the kids who look up to me as someone they can trust, someone they can relate to, someone that they know can make them smile when they went through a really horrible day.
Ok, so I'll probably never be to kids what George was to me, but at least I'm willing to try, and at least I won't do something stupid like getting up in front of a bunch of screaming Americans who can't even pronounce my name, much less know what I do in Canada.
Anyway, I got really upset when I saw him... as I still am now (can you tell?).

So there it is. My vent.


Allison said...

I felt that way after the first few minutes, and I had to change channels, but I kept fliping back. He seemed really nervous during the first couple minutes, but by the end of the first hour he was getting better (I stopped watching then, a bit too much for me). But all I kept saying was, 'its just so weird' he's on US TV...and he's not giving his opinion, i want to hear what he has to say!' and don't get me started on the nose ring thing..oi!
its just weird, but i don't hate it. i just strongly dislike it :)

Evelyne said...

It wasn't George last night, it was his evil brother wearing a suit... I kinda watched the whole show (while reading a book) and at the end he was a bit better, more comfortable but it doesn't seem to be the same guy as the one hosting The Hour.

Barbara Bruederlin said...

hahaha Becky - I lasted twice as long as you did - a whole 10 minutes. I guess it doesn't help either that I hate that kind of show, so I won't be watching again.

Serah said...

I understand your frustration and concerns over "The One" and I can't say that I disagree.
I personally am okay (and just okay) with this new thing. Maybe it is because I first saw George on "the New Music" and "Much", and became a viewer then, (not so avid but still paying attention). I think I can stomach "The One" because I have seen and watched, and even allowed myself to enjoy "Fandamonium" - which is one of the reasons George choose to depart from Much.

To me this show would have made more sense as the step between Much Music to The Hour.
But it didn't happen that way so...I am just going to clump the show with "America's Next Top Model". Some moments will entertain me (the George parts and maybe a few contestants that have talent) and some moments will make me ill (bad contestants and sappy judging).

Wandering Coyote said...

I lasted an hour and a half, despite the fact that I was medicated at the time. I should have just done what my body was telling me to do and gone to bed. I guess I wanted to give it a good go. I wanted to give George a chance (and I haven't seen him in action in so long and I thought, from what I'd read about the show, that he'd be more of what I'm used to). Ah well, I don't have to watch again while I eagerly await the return of The Hour.

Alana Elliott said...

I'm with you 100% Becky. Crap. Total crap. Not only did George not seem himself, he deserves more than what he's getting. I'm not accustomed to seeing him have to share the stage, like he was Mr.Background. Blah. He's a natural born host, not someone who leads up to someone else. Especially when that someone else couldn't sing themselves out of a hole in the ground.

Not that anyone could, I guess. :P

Becky said...

So I'm now going to try to answer all these comments, although I don't think I'll ever be as good as Barbara B is at it (lol)!

It is weird! And the whole nose ring thing is just wrong.

"It wasn't George last night, it was his evil brother wearing a suit"
Teehee, that made me giggle, Evelyne! And no, it doesn't seem like the same guy!

I'll be a good loser... good work Barbara, you did indeed last twice as long, teehee.

I totally agree with you, Sarah, in the fact that it would have been a much better step between Much and The Hour, not the other way around.

I'm happy you gave George a chance, Wandering Coyote. I tried to, but unfortunately it ended in your giving him a 85 minutes more of a chance than me, lol! Sigh, I am a failure... :)

And Alana, I completely with you in that George deserves better, and that he should have gotten a better role in the show (I actually agree with everything you said, but I couldn't think of a better way of putting it... typical Becky :D )

Whew! How do you guys do that all the time? I stand in awe of your comment answering ability!
Ok, better get going! See ya!

Barbara Bruederlin said...

Speaking strictly for myself, Becky, I am a good answerer because I have no life. You did a great job just now, but be careful or you too will become a blog-zombie.

Becky said...

Barbara, don't be so hard on yourself! I couldn't hold a job and raise a teenager (which I know is tough, my poor mother!) and blog! You have a talent... They should start a reality show about bloggers! I'm sure it'd be a hit :P

But don't worry, I shant become a zombie :)
