Saturday, June 03, 2006

Happy Birthday!

If you read the comments for my last post, you'll see that Barbara W. informed me that today was Anderson Cooper's birthday! I responded to the comment, saying that I had no idea, and shortly thereafter, realized that he had mentioned it on Larry King the other night, I'd just completely forgotten (weird how the mind works).
Maybe I bought his book today because of some sub-conscious thought, knowing it was his birthday... or, you know, maybe not.
In any case, HAPPY 39th ANDERSON!!!
And thanks to Barbara (W) for telling/ jogging my memory about it, appreciate it!
See ya later!


Barbara Bruederlin said...

Must have been Barbara W actually; I'm not even sure who Anderson Cooper is. Too many Barbaras in the mix!

But I'll say happy birthday anyhoo.

Becky said...

Oh god Barbara, sorry! To both of you!
Too many Barbaras... I'll fix it right now.
Oh god, I feel stupid!
Well anyway, moving on...

GeeGee said...

ur not stupid Becky!! o and for my book talk i got to change ur name from ac to soemthing else i was thinking jk u pick it k
talk to later
oooooo how about Becky??? eh??? u like??? no ok....why no Zoe??? thats good right? ok well talk to u later!! hearts

Barbara said...

Sometimes I almost sign my name Barbara B. I get confused too.

Barbara Bruederlin said...

Right then, one of us will have to be known as Babs.

Barbara said...

How about Barbaralopoulos?
Naaa just kidding.
Neither one us is a Barbie.
I can live with Babs.
Babs Bunny
There is that B.B. initial again.

Becky said...

Babs, is, uh... very nice. It kind of reminds me of a grandmother from 'the old country'. But hey, it's your name (teehee).
I'll keep the names straight, don't worry, I just wasn't really paying attention at the time. But, on the other hand, I'm always like that...
Well, I'll double check from now on, promise!