Because I'm dirty and wonderful
Wow. All but two junior high kids I know cannot hold an intelligent conversation about anything bigger than our school. I mean, why not answer a serious philosophical question with "that's cool"?* Yes, I know I'm a horrible person, but I'm not the only one. (Oh, and this justification agrees with all my values*)
*I'm just going to assume that you all note how both of those lines were dripping with sarcasm
In other news, my book talk on '1984' went well. I wrote it last night, but I was passionate about the topic, so I could get deep into the theories put forward. Orwell's writing style is fantastic, so opening and closing with his quotes made my talk that much stronger... especially the haunting line "if you want a picture for the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face- forever."
On the topic of good books, Barb B has inspired me to put my summer reading list in my sidebar... I'm interested in seeing how well I can follow it. This is possibly the best money I've ever spent... got this tote bag in the mail today. Makes me laugh: "Hawksley Workman's Dirty and Wonderful Books".
That's the great thing about Workman's music. It can be dead serious, but at the same time he has a great sense of humour. I'm excited to test drive the bag at school tomorrow. I'm also equally excited for all the scared looks from the kids who have no idea who Workman is... I might be known as "the girl who shops in dirty Amsterdam book stores" from now on. Oh well, I couldn't care less, as this bag makes me very happy.
I'm going to go off and share that happiness with the world now.
man, your blog site rocks. i really like the side bar thingy, too. you've got quite the reading list set up for yourself. i've never managed to plough through libra, though it's been sitting on my shelf for the better part of a decade. (seriously, just the better part. not the whole part.) i keep thinking that i ought to, since don delillo rocks and i'm actually a libra.
and that quotation from 1984 made me laugh, prolly b/c laughing was the best thing to do "a boot stamping on a human face-- forever."
yeh, you're way hipper than me. or cooool. as the jr. high kids would say...
I love your book bag! I had no idea that Hawksley had great stuff like that. Boy I'm excited to see him perform again this summer!
Good job joining in on the reading list thing. That looks like a fine list; the only one I have read is the Blind Assassin - it's quite compelling.
Thank you Jay, I love messing with the sidebar till it looks right to me (you know how I get about those sort of things).
I was actually taking in the mail at your place when I saw 'Libra'... it reminded me of the copy Tess gave me when she moved to Montreal. So I went home and dug it out of a trunk full of books. So far, it's quite good.
I love reading from page 210 to 220 in 1984, just because they contain so many wonderful quotes. Unfortunatley I think my friends are tired of me cracking up my old U of A copy of the book to read them.
Hipper than you? Not true! I do not have the witty, Fielding-esque writing ability you have... nor do I have the awesome indie wardrobe you do.
Thanks! I think I might just have to go down to Calgary for the Folk Fest... yours has such a better line-up this year. *Pondering look*
I love the book list idea! I find it very exciting. I was also inspired to read Blind Assassin by Jay's bookshelf :P I've loved every other Atwood book I've read, I hope it'll go the same for this one.
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