A lot to say...
On Tuesday I'll have been blogging for a year. I most likely won't be able to get on the net to blog then, so I'll say it now.
I just wanted to say thanks to everyone for making my blogging experience thusfar a blast! There have certainly been ups and downs, but I'm so glad I've met such an awesome group of people that I have here on blogger... it's been a good year! I'll continue to blog and hopefully continue to build my blogging skills (my first posts were awfully sad). I've grown quite a bit as a person, and all of you have helped me do that and I really wanted to say thanks!Took this picture earlier while in line at Tim Hortons. I'm going to be seeing a lot more of Tims in the next few weeks... and Subway, too... know what that means? No, I'm not doing the Canadian verson of Supersize Me...
That's right, it's time for the third annual trip down east! I leave on Monday. Very excited! This weekend is going to be a lot of packing, iPod uploading, etc.
And because I wanted some "new" music for the trip. I've gotten out The Beatles' Love out from the EPL. I had mixed feelings about the remixing of their music, but listening to it now, I realize the project was in good hands (those of the genius George Martin and his son Giles). When I got home my dad and I (whom I inherited my love for The Beatles from) sat down and listening to the CD figuring out what had been changed and whether we liked it. It gets the Becky and father four thumbs up :P
That's it for now... I'll see post again when I get back. I'll miss reading your guys' blogs, but I'll look forward to catching up when I get back. I hope everyone has a good couple of weeks!
Enjoy your trip Becky!
And a year, to me it seems like a couple of days, we don't realize that it has been a year that we've start blogging (I should check to know when i started, it will be a year soon), it has been so much fun.
Hope to read many more posts!
Happy Blogoversary!
I hope you have a great trip and that your mixes work out well. Where exactly are you heading?
have a good trip!
Thanks Evelyne, the year does go by fast! I probably won't be there for your one year mark, but I agree that it has been a ton of fun and you and your blog are awesome!
Thanks Barb! We're actually currently in Montreal and we head to Toronto. It`s been sort of an annual thing since my mom and I visited my sister in TO two years ago... it's fun :)
Thanks 668! It's going pretty well so far!
Well, what have we here.
A lovely little blog by the Beckster.
Had I known you understood 60's music I would have clicked on your name sooner.
I only clicked on it to see if you were retarded.
Turns out you're not.
And look all the familiar thumbnails buzzing around just like at the George-hive.
Don't worry. I'm not sticking around.
Not because you don't seem like a lot of fun, but because I'm exhausted wearing myself out at the other blogs where I'm barely welcome as it is.
And I have so little to say, as you know already.
I enjoy Raymi's blog a lot.
So I support her by posting to her Forum, in the oddest and clearest way I know - with pictures, images.
I enjoy the rascally Teamakers of course.
Someone with a sharp sense of humour.
All of the above, just to say hello, and put some more flattering ink on your page.
Thanks Allan... always like to know I'm not "retarded". (She says with obvious sarcasm.)
But I do thank you for the lovely "ink" :)
Happy 1 year Becky.
You can call me if you want when you're in Toronto I will email you my number.
If you are hear for Easter weekend you can catch a Hack game maybe.
Thanks Barb!
It's too bad I have to leave TO so soon, it would have been fun! Perhaps if I come down in summer...
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