Saturday, December 09, 2006

Dear Google,

I apologize my dear Google, but I'm not the kind who welcomes change. So when I got your message to upgrade to Blogger Beta I was reluctant, but tempted nevertheless. I switched, and at first regretted it.
See I didn't like some of the new features, I wanted to switch back. Alas, I could not... but that was before I upgraded my template.
Now I bask in the joy of the ease of changing my blog's look! Why thank you dear Google for this opportunity!
While you may be slowly taking over the internet, you do come in handy when blogging... and writing Science essays.
So because of this offer, my dear, I hope I shall be seeing you more often.
Love, Becky


Evelyne said...

So you switched? It scares me, what if i hate the new blogger?

And i found on som youtube videos to help you to be more efficient when using Google, Todd gives some really good advices!

Allison said...

whoohoo, Beta is letting me comment.
twas causing me trouble for the last little while. glad the switch has worked for you. i've heard too many bad things, so i'm staying put.

Toccata said...

The switch was amazing for me. I couldn't figure out anything before I made the switch. I'm totally with you on this topic!

Becky said...

It totally scared me at first, but I'm getting used to it quickly!

Thanks for the link, Evelyne, I'll check it out :)