Saturday, September 09, 2006

One month to The Hour!

My life will be complete in one month! Well, not really, but it'll be nice to have an old friend back, if you will. I can't wait for that opening, it's like at the end of the Daily Show, where they have the "moment of zen"... The Hour's opening is my moment of zen :)
Here's a pic of Georgie's new pic off of The Hour's website... sigh.


Community rummage sale was this morning... I've gone for as long as I can remember. It was nice because I hung out with kids that I never talk to anymore, but I still go to school with... fun fun! None of the three articles of clothing I got there fit, but hey, they was only $3, and I can pass them on to friends and family. And because Gill is out with tonsillitis, I got her a super tacky keychain of a sailor for a dime. I might just have to post a picture of it later when I get my camera working.

(Here it is... added Sunday... a crappy photo I know :P)

After the sale we (my mom, sister, "brother-out-law" (my sister's long time boyfriend) and dog) went out to the farm, a piece of land we own about an hour East of the city. We harvested the garden and just relaxed by the fire pit... it was really nice :) After that we were all pretty tired (I almost fell asleep during the car ride home), so we all went back to our houses to relax... and that's where I am now, avec you :)

I think it's been a pretty good day so far, as you can see by all the :)'s in this post.

Hope you too have a good one!


Evelyne said...

Can't wait to see the new season of The Hour!!! :)

It seems that you had a good time with your family!

Barbara Bruederlin said...

I'm looking forward to the start of the Hour. Hey, I'll start watching tv again!
That's a pretty odd photo of George, isn't it? It reminds me of something, some film, but I can't think what.

Becky said...

I'm so excited!!! I'm happy I'm not the only one :D

Yeah, I had a pretty good time, it was nice :)

It is an odd photo, but he looks less "check-out-my-attitude" and more "oh-look-me-be-thoughtful" than usual :P