Friday, June 30, 2006

SUMMER!!!! (insert happy dance here)

Just got back from getting my hair cut! LOVE it!!! I feel like Feist with my hair all layered with the longer bangs!!! Too bad I got it just after the last day of school, which reminds me...
No more school!!! We just had to pick up report cards today. I'm really happy, because my average was 87.4, and I got 80 in band! 80!!! (Sorry, I suck at band and I'm very happy to get an A in it.)
So last night my friends and I went to a local cafe because a guy we know (well kinda... Gee and I went to school with him for a long time, but we're not "friends" per se, not at all, actually...) was playing there. That was nice...
Anyway, after that all the people from my school went to the park, we hung out and we all got cold. But then Gill had to go home, and I really wanted to leave because all these kids are popular, and well, I'm not, so it was awkward. After I left I went over to my sister's, where we watched The Great Gatsby until about 2 AM.
Gotta love summer vacation!


hilary m. said...

I love that feeling you get when school's over. I was sooo relieved.

I got my haircut too!! I love getting haircuts, and changing your hair into different styles.

Barbara Bruederlin said...

Will we get to see pictures of your new haircut?

Well done in school!

Becky said...

Oops! Sorry about the double post, you know how blogger is sometimes, saying that it hadn't published, so I went back, changed it, published it again... sigh. Anyway, it's fixed now.
Love haircuts, it's so much fun to change your "look" around once in a while! I would love to show you my new hair, but unfortunately that means that all all the crazed stalkers out there can see it too... stalkers make everything so hard...
I'm glad all the students are out, it seems like the whole city's more relaxed now, not nearly as much stress.
Okay, this is insanely long, so I'd better go!
See ya!

Mint Sharpie said...

I think you're my twin separated at birth O.o I have never seen anyone else insert happy dances anywhere...

Anonymous said...
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Becky said...

Oh god... sorry! Ok, so I accidently deleted your post... oh... what to do.
Okay, well you basically said you knew the guy who played and you knew where, you're still in the loop even though you're on the other side of the planet.
Argh... It won't let me fix it.
Sorry! God I hate Blogger sometimes!

Becky said...

Anyway, I shall respond to the deleted post.
Good to hear from you Erika! I hope all is well in the Great Sandy South (that was my sad variation of Great White North... pitiful, eh?)!
We all miss ya, especially at events like Alec's band's thing (Although, it kind of loud in the cafe. You could hardly hear the music...).
Hope to hear from you again!
Sorry about the whole post thing. I feel really bad!