Friday, May 26, 2006

Where? Where? What? Ah. Me Tiger. You Jane.

Back from the dentist. Gosh, that was torture! I had to sit there, my mouth frozen, the dentist shaving down my teeth, a REALLY bright light in my face, a lady spraying water in my mouth (which I was choking on, but couldn't do anything about), and worst of all, they had the country radio station playing! Okay, okay, I'll talk! But seriously, that's just inhumane.
Okay, it wasn't THAT bad... I don't have to take the scale test in band today (I play the clarinet) because I can't my feel mouth (insert English accent here) therefore I cannot adjust my embouchure correctly. And my lip's all squishy, and fun to poke. TeeHee.
Anyway... Man, I'm hungry... okay, stop thinking about food.
So, I'm going to go read now, I'll see y'all later!
P.S. To Gill: Apparently their considering Heath Ledger to play Bob Dylan in a portion of his new biopic... yay or nay? (Gill loves Heath Ledger, if your wondering.)
'Kay, see ya!


GeeGee said... don't look like each other.....ya.....jiffy skirts

Becky said...

They could probably fix the look-a-like thing, like they're having Cate Blanchett (Katharine Hepburn-'The Aviator') play Dylan at a point in his life.
I just think that Heath is that great of a dramatic actor (even in 'Brokeback'...), I would have to say nay, or no.

Barbara said...

The last time I was at the dentist the National Playlist was on the radio. I miss the National Playlist soo much! I love Jian's new series about The End. Too bad it was only a three parter. You can catch it online if you missed it. google it, I don't have the link handy.
Country music would be inhumane treatment. Far worse than what else the dentist could do to you.
Becky I sent you a survey to fill out and get back to me by 6pm today if possible. Thanks!

Becky said...

Cool, thanks for the survey, again! We all appreciate all the work you're putting in to this!
I saw two of the three 'The End''s, I'm pretty sure the link is, but I'm not 100% positive. They were good!
I miss the national playlist, too! I was actually visiting Montreal when the final countdown was on (I did hear it though). I was crushed that it ended! I think it was replaced by 'Canada Reads', but I'm not sure. One of my sisters (who's a writer) was happy it ended! She despised Jian! I don't understand that one...
Anyway, better go, See ya!

Barbara said...

Hey I was in Montreal too when it ended! Wait I live there.
I blogged about TNP ending and how I thought this must be an April fools joke. I also wrote to Gian three times that week. It earned me 10 free dowloads on itunes because I won the draw. lol
by the way the newsletter is in draft stage right now and will be ready (I hope) by tomorrow.

Becky said...

Great, about the newsletter!
Love Montreal... I went there a couple times when I was quite little, and just fell in love. After that, though, I didn't go again for about 5 years, not until this spring break. You can obviously understand why I love it there, such great culture!
Sweet, about the downloads!