Saturday, August 26, 2006

The many binders of Becky

So on Thursday after the LIT wrap-up party was cancelled :( we went to hang out at Gill's house where we decorated her folder avec a very funky collage. This reminded me of my binder I decorated last year, and it inspired me to make another...

Last year's
(the inside was decorated, too)
Binder # 1
This year's
(I only decorated the front so I could add on throughout the year)
Binder # 2
They're so much fun to make!
Anyway, better get going, time for supper. Global has 'Train 48' on for three or four hours in a row tonight... we're making popcorn and seeing if we can watch them all :P


Mint Sharpie said...

Wow! That's awesome. Mine last year were covered with Stargate quotes. I'd start laughing in the middle of class all the time...

Becky said...

Thanks! Your binder sounds really awesome, too!
I love putting things that makes ya laugh on random stuff! The cover of last year's had the print version of a RMR "commercial"... I showed the clip to my friends and whenever we saw my binder we'd burst into "Terry! Go back to your wallets!" or "I'm a winner."
Yeah, I know I'm crazed :P

Barbara Bruederlin said...

Oh very cool binders! Now I wish that I use binders.

Barbara said...

Very cool binders! Sweet!

Toccata said...

Nice binder! Do you do any visual journaling? Here's site you might like to look at:

You would be a perfect candidate for this kind of art medium between your writing and your collaging (I'm not sure collaging is even a real word but oh well.) I have no doubt you would make great visual journals.

If I don't drop by before hand have a great new school year.

Becky said...

Thanks guys!

I'm checking out that site right now, it's great! Unfortunately I have to go to camp in about 25 minutes and I'm not dressed yet (classic Becky moment :P) so I'll have to check it out in more detail on Thursday (I think I shall even blog about it!)
Anywho, thanks for the link! It might just have to go on my 'awesome possum stuff' list :D