Monday, January 01, 2007

Day 1

Happy New Year (it's 2007 for those of you who are very "tired")! I hope you all had a great night last night, just like I said I wanted you to yesterday.

Gill and I had a grand time at my sister's house (she's very fun). We spent a ton of buttons with the button maker I got for Christmas (Hi, I'm Becky, and I'm addicted to making buttons).
With old issues of some crap political magazines (with incredibly racist/sexist articles that were so awful they were laughable) and some not crappy magazines like Adbusters (the latter of which was brought by my sis's boyfriend), we made some great buttons! It was really fun...

That, thrown in with sparklers, orange peel fights, small explosives and random piano/guitar playing made the evening quite the blast (and also fulfilled my goal of having a not too quiet New Years)! To add to all the madness my sister's friend was hit by a car (but not hurt at all) on the way over... he was seriously laughing about it- creepy!
At the end of the night there was Gill and I, my sister and her boyfriend, and their friend Josh. Not to forget the couple other people who passed through throughout the evening... Good times!

1 comment:

GeeGee said...

bummer! no sleep is not fun times (imagen the thumbs down thing!) (N)

(I know this had nothing to do with ur post!)